Tagged: Leadership

Getting Ready for Wibo 1

Getting Ready for Wibo

I’m excited about heading up to Northern Virginia next week for the Whiteboard Sessions. It’s a one day church leadership conference. The idea is great, 8 leaders, each given 30 minutes to share one...

Screenless Mornings 0

Screenless Mornings

In preparing my sermon about our addictions in life, I realized that I needed to make some changes. I have to work hard to protect my time alone with God each day. I’m wired...

Interesting Post on Leadership 0

Interesting Post on Leadership

Tony Morgan has a great post on the importance of leadership. I have seen this played out over and over again within churches. You see families or factions within a church trying to exert...

Into The Sunset 1

Into The Sunset

Literally, not metaphorically. I went jogging on the beach right at sunset tonight. Actually I did much more walking and standing than jogging, but it makes me feel better about eating so much to...

Finding Your Voice 0

Finding Your Voice

When I preach, I want it to be God’s words from me. This is something that I have struggled with over the past 8 months as I have transitioned from a full time design...

Visioneering 0


I just finished reading Visioneering by Andy Stanley and I wanted to share a few things that I learned. I had a little trouble getting into the first half of the book. I don’t...

Reflections on Unleash 0

Reflections on Unleash

Going to conferences usually evokes several emotions in me. I am usually excited about what I’m about to learn, but secretly I sometimes dread the travel, the time away from home, and the confusion...

It’s been a week of planning and recuperation 0

It’s been a week of planning and recuperation

This has been a good week for me. I have preached 18 out of the last 19 weeks and I was getting a little behind on some administration and planning. I was also getting...

Calling an Audible 1

Calling an Audible

Last night at our weekly elders meeting, we decided to call an audible for this week. In football, a quarterback can change the play at the last possible moment if he sees something he...

What I Do For Fun? 0

What I Do For Fun?

I listened in on a Catalyst conference call yesterday with Perry Noble. Another pastor asked him what he did for fun. Perry couldn’t come up with an answer, so he decided to make some...

Slightly Overwhelmed 0

Slightly Overwhelmed

The past few weeks have been incredibly busy for me. Sermon preparation has taken much of my time since I am starting a new series this week. Then all the meetings, planning sessions, and...