Tagged: Family


Protecting Your Family Online with Circle

A growing problem in many families is learning how to monitor your children’s usage of mobile devices. Between cell phones, tablets, laptops, and gaming systems, it seems like our children are constantly being tempted...


FamilyLife: A Weekend to Remember

Jennifer and I just got back from a great weekend.  We spent the weekend in Chattanooga, Tennessee at the FamilyLife Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaway. I’ve got to be honest, I was a little...


The Problem With How We Teach Missions

I recently read an article that just reinforces my belief that most churches are missing the mark when it comes to how we educate students about mission work. Here’s the quote that caught my attention...


Celebrating 20 Years

Jennifer and I were able to sneak away for a few days this week to celebrate our 20th anniversary. We have always said we wanted to take a big trip to the islands, so...


My Favorite Blog

I have a new favorite blog. My 16 year old daughter has started writing and sharing her thoughts through her new blog.  She writes about her journey of faith and issues of self-identity, relationships,...


ShadowGrass – The Future of Bluegrass is in Good Hands

My 14 year old son plays in a bluegrass band called ShadowGrass. We were in Nashville last week for the SPBGMA bluegrass convention. It was a great experience and Luke’s band was able to...


What I’ve Been Doing This Week

I started a month long sabbatical this week (I’ll be posting thoughts on it here on the blog as well) This week I have been reading, relaxing, and enjoying a lot of old-time and...


The New City Catechism

Growing up Southern Baptist, I never really heard about or knew about catechisms. A friend shared The New City Catechism with me and I started reading more about it. First, what is a catechism. Here’s...

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A Tough Eight Weeks

I feel such a relief after finishing up another eight-week seminary class. I’ve been putting off taking Systematic Theology as long as I could, but I finally jumped in and finished it. I have...

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A Great Day at the River

What a great weekend. We had a Cornerstone baptism service at Camp Dickenson on  the New River and we saw 17 people demonstrate their commitment to Christ through baptism. And the best part was...


Bluegrass With My Son

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aJ2UHv3tzw I played backup for my son Luke at the Fiddler’s Convention this week while he played the mandolin on youth night. I was definitely a lot more nervous than he was. Here’s a...