Tagged: Family
True Hokie
Our family spent the day in Blacksburg and Christiansburg finishing up our Christmas shopping and visiting Jennifer’s sister Sara and her family. I took the picture above while walking across the campus with our...
Physical Discipline
Have you ever looked down at the scale and wondered how the number got that high? For me, I finally took a long hard look and realized that I need to make a few...
Help me send my wife out of the country
Okay, you might read that the wrong way, but this is a good thing. My wife and 13 year old daughter are planning on going on a mission trip to Nicaragua next month. I...
Resting, Reading, Relaxing, and Recharging
We just got back from a quick four day trip to the beach. It’s great getting away with the family to just have fun. We really didn’t do a whole lot except hang out...
Life Keeps Getting Better
Yesterday was our 16th wedding anniversary. Jennifer is an amazing women, and I feel like our marriage just keeps getting better. As a pastor, unfortunately I hear about many problems in marriages, so I know that...
Winning Isn’t Everything
I survived! After only running a few times this summer, I finished the Race for the Cure 5K in Charleston. My time was slow, but I finished and ran the entire way. I am...
Race For The Cure
I don’t ask for much here on the blog, but some things are too important not to mention. I’m getting ready to run a 5k this Saturday for a great cause. For the second...
Fifteen Wonderful Years
The story begins twenty years ago when some of my friends convinced me to ask a sweet young lady to prom. Fast-forward through the end of high school of four years of college and...
Decade by Decade
It’s amazing how much things can change in a decade. Twenty years ago, I started dating a sweet girl named Jennifer. After three kids and fourteen years of marriage, I can look back and...
Things I Think
Just wanted to share some random thoughts tonight. I enjoyed spending the day with my family in Christiansburg and Blacksburg today. Emma was able to go with us since school was canceled due to...