Is it time to write a book?

I’ve been working on an idea for a book for a few months. Most books and conferences are focused on larger churches in large cities. What about small churches in small towns? They feel left...


Two New Email Apps – Spark & Mail Pilot 2

Mailbox has been my main email app on my phone for a long time now.  On my Mac, I typically use AirMail 2.  Occasionally, I see a new email app that gets me interested. I’ve...


A Quick Survey for My Next Message

I’m doing a little research for my next message at Cornerstone. What do you think? With all the craziness in our world today, is the end near? If you don’t see the poll below,...


Recording our First Live Worship CD

Last year, the Cornerstone Worship team and several of our friends recorded a live night of worship at Cornerstone. It was an experiment to see if we could record a live Worship CD, and...


Celebrating 20 Years

Jennifer and I were able to sneak away for a few days this week to celebrate our 20th anniversary. We have always said we wanted to take a big trip to the islands, so...


Leadercast 2015

For the past five years, I have helped coordinate the Leadercast right here in our hometown of Galax. It has been a great partnership between local small business leaders, church leaders, and Crossroads. My...


10,000 Fathers – A Great New Worship Album

Review: Invitation, Volume 1 by 10,000 Fathers I’ve been listening to this album all week and it has quickly become one of my favorite worship albums. 10,000 Fathers is a small group of worship leaders...


Music as a Language

Luke shared this TEDx video with me last week. Victor Wooten is an incredible bass player and I have enjoyed listening to him play over the years. In this video, he shares a unique...