Category: Technology

Improving Your Web Access 0

Improving Your Web Access

For a few months I have been using a service called OpenDNS. So far I’m impressed. DNS, or Domain Name System for you techno geeks, is how the internet takes the web addresses you...

BSOD nightmare 1

BSOD nightmare

Most of you know that I use a MacBook Pro laptop. I started out with it since I could switch between Windows and Mac operating systems. I’ve been a hard core pc user since...

New Template for FaithEngineer 2

New Template for FaithEngineer

Well, I finally decided to upgrade the graphics on the site. The old site reminded me too much of a teenage myspace page. I wanted a little more sophistication and class. I added some...

Blogging Girls of Cornerstone 1

Blogging Girls of Cornerstone

Now there are 3 wonderful Cornerstone ladies blogging. And they are all in our small group. WHERE ARE THE GUYS. You need to represent. Let me know if there are any other Cornerstone bloggers...

Ecto 0


This is a test post from a program called Ecto. It’s a neat blogging editor that lets you have a little more control over your posts. The web-interface for blogger is quick and easy,...

I guess I’m a Mac nerd now 0

I guess I’m a Mac nerd now

Yesterday, I was anxiously glued to my computer screen finding out the news from MacWorld in San Francisco. Apple announces all of their big new products for the year at the conference, and numerous...

Post Christmas Update 0

Post Christmas Update

I’ve haven’t been blogging this week because I really wanted to enjoy Christmas with my family and not get on the computer constantly. I’ve got several topics I want to write about after the...

Just Stop And Think 0

Just Stop And Think

I ran across this great evangelistic video by Francis Chan. I first ran across his name when setting up our church’s podcast in iTunes. Here was this guy that I had never heard of,...

God’s Presence 2

God’s Presence

We will be starting a new series at church this week about God’s Presence. I had planned on doing a series taking a walk through the Old and New Testament looking at why Christmas...

I Need to Wii 0

I Need to Wii

We’ve been bouncing around the idea of getting a Nintendo Wii for several months. We thought it would make a great Christmas gift for the kids (and Jenni and I too). But if you’ve...

FaithEngineer On MySpace 0

FaithEngineer On MySpace

I finally broke down and created a myspace page. I want to continue to explore how the church can use both myspace and facebook. So if you’re reading this, help me out by adding...