I guess I’m a Mac nerd now

Yesterday, I was anxiously glued to my computer screen finding out the news from MacWorld in San Francisco. Apple announces all of their big new products for the year at the conference, and numerous sites liveblog pictures of the event. As a communicator, I love watching Steve Jobs announce and demonstrate the new products. He is effective and funny, and the audience always responds.

The big news was the new MacBook Air, an incredibly thin and light weight new laptop. At the thickest point, it is 3/4″, and it tapers to almost nothing. Super cool, although it is geared more toward the business traveler. I don’t have any real use for something this small.

The other news was a redesigned and updated AppleTV which now lets you rent movies through iTunes, including HD movies and a new wireless router that serves as a network storage device called Time Capsule. This lets you have a hard drive integrated into your wireless router so that all your macs on the network can be backed up wirelessly through Time Machine. There were also some software updates announced for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Altogether there were some big announcements, but I was a little disappointed. I was hoping to see some minor updates to the iMac and MacBook Pro laptops. I’m hoping some of the technology in the MacBook Air will trickle over to the MacBook Pro with a software update. Especially the multi-touch trackpad. I will have to wait until we eventually make the move to a HD TV before I consider the AppleTV since it works best with a widescreen TV, and I will probably wait until my current wifi router dies before jumping to something like the Time Capsule. So all the big news and no new gadgets for me to buy. Dave Ramsey would be happy. Although we have tossed around replacing our current windows desktop with an iMac…….


I am a former design engineer who now pastors Cornerstone Community Church in Galax, Virginia. I'm passionate about following Jesus and I love technology. I've been married to Jennifer for 28 years, and we have three adult children.

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