Author: Mike

Podcasts 0


I looked at my subscribed podcasts and realized that maybe there is something to this ‘faith engineer’ thing. I also realized how much I listen to during a typical week. Thankfully, I am usually...

A Youthful Expression 0

A Youthful Expression

I had a meeting last night about an upcoming youth rally in Felts Park. I’m excited about what God is doing here in Galax. Over 10 different youth groups will be coming together to...

Faith Engineer? 1

Faith Engineer?

Why is the blog name ‘Faith Engineer’Well, my college degree is from Virginia Tech in Mechanical Engineering. Engineers solve problems. They apply technology and science to develop new solutions. Engineering is more than knowledge,...

Finally 2


Finally I have entered the blogging world. Procrastination is unfortunately something that I excel in. Hopefully I will be posting ideas about youth ministry, church as a whole, and life in general. Check back...