I looked at my subscribed podcasts and realized that maybe there is something to this ‘faith engineer’ thing. I also realized how much I listen to during a typical week. Thankfully, I am usually at my desk and I have the freedom to listen to whatever I want to during the day as long as I get my work done. I also listen as I drive to work and back home each day.
Engineering Podcasts
- SolidWorks Podcasts (3D Engineering CAD software)
- DDi SolidWorks Podcast (SolidWorks News and Tips)
- CNet News.com Daily Tech News (good tech news, mostly about M$oft and Google)
- Mountain-Wave Solidworks (Solidworks Video Tutorials)
Faith Podcasts
- A New Beginning with Greg Laurie (One of my favorites preachers to listen to)
- CreativePastors with Ed Young (A little over the top sometimes, but truly creative)
- Defining Moments Podcast – Willow Creek (Some good insights from Willow Creek)
- Desiring God 2006 National Conference– John Piper (Really good short video clips about postmodernism and the new emerging/emergent church)
- Focus on the Family with James Dobson (Good to keep my thoughts on society and how I can minister to my family and culture)
- Love Worth Finding – the late Adrian Rogers (The Prince of Preachers, with a voice like his, could he be anything else but a preacher? If you ever want to learn about alliteration, then listen to this)
- Mosaic – Erwin McManus (Passionate and compelling, I love his messages)
- Seacoast Church Weekly Podcast (A great church in Charleston that I have visited several times on vacation, good preaching, awesome worship)
- Simply Junior High Podcast – Kurt Johnston (You have to love someone that feels called to jr. high Ministry. Great ideas and tips)
- Simply Youth Ministry Video Podcast – Doug Fields (Doug, Josh, Natalie, and Matt: The most awesome video podcast. Josh has inspired me to start blogging)
- StudentCast – Lifeway Student Ministries (up and down, but usually some good ideas)
- The Catalyst Podcast (good lessons on leadership and vision)
- Youth Specialties (more good ideas on youth ministry resources)