What’s On Your Ipod?
Not that it suprises me, but MSNBC reports that… Dirty song lyrics can prompt early teen sex: “Teens whose iPods are full of music with raunchy, sexual lyrics start having sex sooner than those...
exploring faith, life, and technology
Not that it suprises me, but MSNBC reports that… Dirty song lyrics can prompt early teen sex: “Teens whose iPods are full of music with raunchy, sexual lyrics start having sex sooner than those...
… was the title of my message in church yesterday. I shared the trap that so many churches fall into of focusing inwardly and losing their passion to serve outside the 4 walls of...
It’s that time again. When our little town of 7000 swells to over 50,000 people for an entire week. This is the 71st Annual Old Time Fiddler’s Convention, the oldest and largest mountain music...
I read some great comments about emotional purity on another youth blog. Check out the link for the full version. Since we have been spending time in youth talking about purity, I felt this...
While I’m talking about CD’s, I want to mention the new release from Decemberadio. I downloaded the CD from ITunes where it stayed in the top 10 in Inspirational Music for several weeks. It...
I finally got a chance to listen through a new CD by a good friend that I work with. Brandon Davis (check out his website) has finished his first solo CD titled Up In...
We finished the first night of the retreat. We had an awesome time today. It was the best discussion we’ve had with the youth in a long time. Jennifer had a good teaching time...
We’re off today to Charlotte for our first Cornerstone Youth Retreat. Our first session tonight will be about relationships. Here is the plan for what we are talking about. Purity in a Passionate World...
I went to a cool presentation on Monday at the Carroll County Governmental Complex. It was about a new 3D Projection company call 3DH. They were promoting the technology for business and education. I...
That was the title of my sermon yesterday in church. I spoke from Acts 1:11 about the disciples being told about the return of Jesus. What would happen if we started living our lives...
Jennifer and I went bike riding on the New River Trail this morning. We started at Gambetta and rode all the way to Byllesby Dam and back. We rode about 13 miles all together....