Back from the Beach
I’m back at work today. Mondays are always rough, but especially when you have been gone a week. We had a great trip to the beach. Good weather, great food, and fun times with...
exploring faith, life, and technology
I’m back at work today. Mondays are always rough, but especially when you have been gone a week. We had a great trip to the beach. Good weather, great food, and fun times with...
I got the chance to do some more reading during our trip to the beach. I’m about halfway through Breaking the Missional Code by Ed Stetzer and David Putman. I have really enjoyed reading...
I don’t know how it happened this week. But I’ve got a new name. You see, back when Emma was little she used to call me “Big Strong Daddy”. That was the type of...
I also posted this on our church website. Some food for thoughtAs a church, we would all agree that we are committed to developing fully devoted followers of Christ. In planning the use of...
It’s a sad day in the Morris household after we learned today of Steve Irwin’s death. Our prayers go out to his family as they go through such a tragic loss. My kids have...
We’re kicked back at the beach enjoying life this week. Check out the pics from the balcony of our room where we’re staying. We’re in a corner room that has an incredible view both...
Above is a picture of the land that our church has bought. Eighteen acres of flat beautiful land that God has provided. I think it is absolutely amazing that our little church has already...
Our family is leaving Saturday morning for the beach. It looks like Ernesto is long gone, so we’re heading down to Pawley’s Island, South Carolina to relax for the week. You have got to...
Here is a cool video from this year’s Purpose Driven Worship Conference. You have to watch it to pick up the dance moves (do the burning bush, parting the red sea, and two by...
Church League Softball, you can’t help but love it and hate it. We had our last game last night. It was only the second game that I was able to be there and play....