ReadScripture – A Great App to Read and Study Scripture

Just recently, I stumbled on a new app for reading through the Bible. The Read Scripture app is an awesome way to stay connected to God’s Word. I really like the simplicity of the app. It is split up into 15 to 20-minute segments that you can go through at your own pace. Most days have a video that explains themes and concepts of the passage you are reading, and the text is presented in story form so you aren’t distracted by verse numbers. The app doesn’t have many advanced features yet, but I like that it simply focuses on the text. It uses the ESV translation and utilizes videos from The Bible Project. The videos are incredible as well. They really help bring understanding to the text. It is arranged so that you can go through the entire Bible in a year if you do a segment each day.
The Bible Project also has a downloadable reading plan and they also have several reading plans on YouVersion that use the same videos. Check out the video below for more information about the Read Scripture app.