Monday Morning Update
It’s time for a Monday Morning Update.
- Our church participated in our community downtown Halloween Bash. It was an awesome opportunity to interact with literally thousands of children and their families. We handed out the best candy and even gave out information about our church. We were all decked out in our 70’s tie-dyed outfits and we even borrowed a VW party bus for our booth. See some of the pics on facebook.
- We started a new marriage series called ONE based on the concept of two becoming one. This is one of those series that I have been looking forward to for several months. I can’t wait to see what happens as a result of our church focusing on the importance of strengthening our marriages. It is so easy to forget that our marriages are a picture to the world of the relationship between Christ and the Church.
- I got the graphics from here. I love it when people share their artwork for other churches to use. I created a sermon intro video using Keynote that used the text from this graphic. You can see it at the beginning of the sermon video from yesterday.
- September & October have been tough months financially and in attendance for the church, so it was awesome to see both services packed out yesterday. People really want to make their marriages stronger, and I’m excited that they are looking to the church and more importantly to Christ for their answers. It was great seeing so many new faces at church yesterday. I would even guess that it was our highest attendance ever for a non Holiday service.
- Newspring Church is doing an awesome series on marriage right now called Man vs. Wife. I’m really enjoying watching the messages each week at their website. I love the graphics and the theme they chose for this.
- I shared a song video by JJ Heller before the service. I’m really liking her music and songwriting. She has one of those voices that just cuts through the music straight to your heart. I simply can’t get this song out of my head. Such a great message and story about the true love and acceptance we find in Christ.
- And finally, I talked about my desire to grow old together with my wife. I still want to be the couple who is grabbing each other’s butt, even in our nineties. Like this couple 🙂