Knowledge vs. Obedience
In thinking through the vision and mission of Cornerstone, I find myself looking and learning from churches all over the country. At the risk of making a broad generalization, I wanted to share something that concerns me about the future of the church in America.
It seems that many mainline and traditional churches have created programs, structures, and sermons that emphasize knowledge over obedience. You see churches full of people who know much about the Bible, but don’t live empowered lives. The three point sermon with a quick challenge at the end is not enough to teach people how to live their life as a disciple.
But on the other hand, many contemporary seeker churches have emphasized obedience over knowledge. They throw in a few verses, but the main focus is on how to improve your life. You see people full of enthusiasm until trials in life hit. If you do not have strong roots, it is easy to give up and lose hope.
Now I know there are many great churches, both traditional and contemporary, that are exceptions to this rule. And the good news is that many newer contemporary churches have recognized this problem. I want Cornerstone to be a church where knowledge and obedience are taught. Where we are not afraid to tackle deep theological truths, but where we also talk about the challenges we face in our lives. God’s Word is active, it’s living, and it can change lives. Let’s teach knowledge of the Scripture, knowing that it empowers us to stand up against the temptations of Satan, and let’s teach people how to live and love like Jesus.
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RT @faithengineer new post: Knowledge vs. Obedience – does your church teach both?