Monthly Archive: March 2008

Saturday Night Wrap-Up 0

Saturday Night Wrap-Up

It’s been a busy few days. Here is my wrap-up before I head to bed I’ve had a chest cold for most of the week. I can’t seem to shake it. I’m halfway through...

Using the Internet to Communicate the Message 0

Using the Internet to Communicate the Message

Cornerstone has been using a free web service called SermonCloud to put our sermons online for over a year now. I did a little research today to see how much the service has actually...

Wrestling with the Boys 0

Wrestling with the Boys

I spent some one on one daddy time with the boys over the last couple of days. Yesterday Luke and I wrestled (or rassled if you are from the south and grew up watching...

Our Big Announcement at Church 0

Our Big Announcement at Church

I posted on our church blog about the building downtown. Find out all the details over at Cornerstone Conversations. We have been working on this for the last six months and it is such...

Opportunity 0


Here is a video that I filmed on Friday and showed in church today. I’ll try to post tomorrow about our big announcement at church today. Here is the technical side. I did this...