Using the Internet to Communicate the Message
Cornerstone has been using a free web service called SermonCloud to put our sermons online for over a year now. I did a little research today to see how much the service has actually been used and I was pleasantly surprised. We have 71 of our Cornerstone sermons online, and all together they have been downloaded or listened to online 7658 times as of today! That includes the iTunes downloads as well.
The neat thing about sermoncloud is that you can search through all the different sermons from other churches by church or topic or scripture reference. You can download an mp3 or listen to it using their online jukebox. This is just another tool to get out God’s Word to people who are hungry to listen and learn and obey. I pray that it will motivate those listening to experience new life in Christ, that it will equip them to carry out God’s message to a hurting world, and that they will use what they learn to engage people all over the world.
Check out Cornerstone’s SermonCloud page here.