Happy Birthday Jenni
Yesterday was Jenni’s birthday. She was giving me a hard time because I didn’t mention it on the blog. Now it’s officially posted here for everyone to see. She turned … , well on second thought, I’ll let her tell you. I’m just thankful that God brought us together. She is an incredible wife and mother and more importantly my best friend. It doesn’t seem possible but we are coming up on our 12 year anniversary.
Jenni is also special because she puts up with my pathetic gift giving. I really need some type of 12 step program on how to give better gifts. The 3-week stretch from Mother’s Day to the first week in June is rough because I have to get Mother’s day, birthday, and anniversary gifts. I’m just glad that gifts are not one of her primary love languages. She knows that I love her and that I show it in different ways. Thanks Jenni