Category: Technology

My Newest iPod Toy 0

My Newest iPod Toy

Jenni was wanting a way to hook her iPod up to our Honda minivan so I came up with the cheap and easy fix. We could have bought one of the adapters that plugs...

Around the World 0

Around the World

I was just checking my blog stats on Google Analytics and found that my blog has been viewed literally around the world this year. I started this thing as a way to keep in...

My Sweet New Camera/Camcorder 0

My Sweet New Camera/Camcorder

After a ton of research I finally pulled the trigger on buying a new camcorder to replace my old 8mm Sony. I settled on the new Sony DCR-SR300 and I have been impressed. This...

Open Source Church 1

Open Source Church

The current trend in software development is open source. Basically, the programmers share the source code for the software programs to allow anybody with an interest to make it better. Linux is based on...

Surprise, Guess Who’s Preaching? 0

Surprise, Guess Who’s Preaching?

Today has been good. No, that really doesn’t describe it, today has been awesome. There are some days when God just shows up and lets you know that He is in control. Today was...

The God Challenge 0

The God Challenge

Maybe you have heard of the blasphemy challenge. I won’t give them the honor of linking to their site, but they are challenging people to post youtube videos of themselves denying the Holy Spirit....

The New Look For the Blog 0

The New Look For the Blog

I have been toying around with the template structure for blogger for the last several weeks. After changing to a 3 column layout, I decided to work on a custom header in Photoshop. Thanks...

Rescued by iTunes 0

Rescued by iTunes

I am hooked. We really don’t watch too many tv shows, but all the talk about 24 finally convinced me to sit down and watch the season opener this year, and I haven’t missed...

New Template for FaithEngineer 0

New Template for FaithEngineer

The site today has been pretty crazy. I have incorporated a new 3-column template on the site. I wanted to organize the site content better, so hopefully this will give me some new options....