Facing Darkness

Last night, Jennifer and I were able to go to Boone, North Carolina to see the new documentary Facing Darkness by Samaritan’s Purse. What an incredible movie! It tells the story of the Ebola outbreak in Liberia in 2014 and the medical personnel who contracted the deadly disease. I really didn’t know what to expect from the movie, but it deeply moved me. Since our church has worked with Samaritan’s Purse doing disaster relief and my wife has worked with them staffing the Operation Christmas Child processing center in Boone, I know the extent of their ministry. What they do on a national and international scale is incredible.
This movie really makes you think about how Christians are called to serve and help those in need. During the Ebola outbreak, it was the Christian relief agencies who stepped in to provide medical care, not the government. When everyone else was running away from the problem, believers rose to the challenge to help. The movie makes us all think about our faith and compassion. Will we choose compassion over fear? Will we be willing to help when others are running away? Will we run into the fire to help?
The movie will only be shown one additional time on April 10th. Go to the website at facingdarknessmovie.com to find a theater near you and buy tickets. This is a movie that will really let you see God at work around the world, and it reminds us that miracles still happen.
As the Ebola pandemic was sweeping across West Africa in the spring of 2014, one organization was willing to step up and fully commit its people and resources to provide comfort, compassion, and care to the hurting people of Africa … all in the Name of Jesus. But when the deadly virus infected its own medical personnel, including Dr. Kent Brantly, the epic crisis truly hit home for Samaritan’s Purse and its leader Franklin Graham. FACING DARKNESS tells the incredible true story of how—with only faith, determination, and prayer—the ministry moved mountains … and God performed a miracle!