Wayfarer Youth Camp

Last week, we took 18 of our older youth to the Wayfarer Beach Camp by 3DM. It was our second year in attendance and we had an incredible experience. I love how the camp emphasizes both discipleship and mission. It really connects with our philosophy as a church and youth ministry.
Our youth spent the week learning more about the six facets of the Lord’s Prayer and how it impacts our identity and relationship with our Heavenly Father. Our youth grew closer to each other and closer to God throughout the week. I appreciate the fact that Wayfarer strives to train and equip youth leaders to minister and lead their teenagers in Spiritual Growth. I’m already looking forward to next year. Click here to view a camp highlight video. If you look closely, you’ll see several of our Cornerstone teens.
Here is more about the camp from their website
At camp, we focused on these three statements: Heaven is bending toward earth, earth is reaching toward Heaven, and that the Collision is coming. We dove into the lifestyle of prayer Jesus models for us with The Lord’s Prayer to see these collisions happen.
The breakthrough and collisions that we saw can only be attributed to The Lord and how he works. Students were experiencing the Father in unique ways, seeing his Kingdom, recognizing his Provision and then began being the provision for others. Then we saw students start to experience the realness of being forgiven and forgiving, the peace of God guiding us, and the strength of knowing that God delivers us.
We had an amazing week with Ben Hardman, Dave Rhodes, and Courtney Reichley as they walked us through each section of the Lord’s Prayer. David Walker created an amazing Spirit – filled environment by leading worship for us this week.