Spiritual Markers
As I think through the past ten years, there are a few church services that really stand out in my mind. One was a youth service on April 1st of 2001. My wife and I were serving at a country church as part time youth leaders. We had just got back from taking over 50 teenagers to a Student Conference, and we turned over part of the morning worship service to our teens so they could share about what they learned. What happened next was a youth revival. Student after student stood before the church and shared what God was doing in their life. Instead of a few minutes, they took the entire service and more. And it was on that morning when I shared that God was leading me into ministry. I didn’t know what it would look like, and I didn’t know where I would end up, but I knew things were about to change. That morning sparked a journey that led students to enroll in seminary and even serve as missionaries and it has led me to become a pastor. I still have the VHS tape of that service, and it is one that I will never forget.
This past week at Cornerstone was another one of those services. Our mission team shared about their recent trip to Nicaragua. It seemed like everything was stacked against them sharing. We had to cancel the service the week before when they were supposed to share because of snow. And we didn’t make a decision about this week’s service until early Sunday morning. We had to cancel our early service because of ice and cold, but we decided to have our 11am service. Everyone was glad we did. It was a powerful service where we heard not about what they did, but about what God did in their hearts. I am so proud of our team members for being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. I just stayed out of the way and let God move. It’s awesome when that happens.
I think it’s important for us to look back to the Spiritual markers in our life. The moments and events that formed us and shaped us. The experiences that caused us to change our direction and focus on following Christ completely. The Israelites built alters to remember those events, and we should not forget the power that comes from realizing that our God has been faithful.
Here is the video from Sunday.
Mission Team Update from Cornerstone on Vimeo.