Michael Vick and Tiger Woods
The title of this post sounds more like the punchline to a joke instead of a reference to two of the greatest athletes of our generation. They each seemed to have it all, fame, fortune, family, and everything money could buy. But something more important was missing.
They didn’t end up where they are overnight. They each made a series of decisions that exposed a flaw in their character. Both athletes will pay a high price. Millions of kids no longer look to them as role models, millions of dollars will be lost in endorsements, and most importantly their families will never be the same because of their mistakes. We can look back and ask the question what if? What if they would have had a close friend that was willing to confront them about their choices. What if they were involved with a local church that could have discipled them and taught them how to live for God. What if they realized the temptation that was forming and their heart and corrected it before it destroyed their life. Things could have turned out much differently.
I have enjoyed seeing Michael Vick playing football again this year. He has lost several years of his life, and now he is back on the road to reclaim what was lost. I am glad that Tony Dungy has been able to speak truth and compassion into his life, and I hope and pray that he is indeed a changed man. Personally, I am glad he is playing. He has paid the price for his mistakes and he deserves a second chance. But he will never attain the fame and fortune that he once had. A moral failure does has life-long consequences.
It has been sad to see the headlines each day as more of Tiger’s story has come to light, and no one knows how the story will end. My prayer is that Tiger will have someone close to him that can share the love, forgiveness, and redemption that can only be found through a relationship with Jesus Christ. I also pray that his family can stay together through this time and that he will emerge from this as a changed man. As Christians, we should pray for him and not look down on him. The greatest need in his life right now is to restore his family. Tiger has said that he wants to emerge from this as a better husband, father, and person. That all starts with the forgiveness that is found through Christ.