Books on my Radar
I love to read and I’m always excited to order or receive new books. Here is what I have on order for the summer and what is on my radar to read next. I always want to be reading something that stretches me. It doesn’t always have to be a “Christian” book either. What books besides the Bible are you reading this summer?
On Order
Simply Strategic Volunteers: Empowering People for Ministry by Tony Morgan
Creating Community by Andy Stanley
Just Walk Across the Room by Bill Hybels
Building a Church of Small Groups by Bill Donahue
Up Next
Holy Discontent by Bill Hybels
Confessions of a Pastor by Craig Groeschel
Integrity by Henry Cloud
The Big Idea by Dave Ferguson
Chazown by Craig Groeschel
Practicing Greatness by Reggie McNeal
Communicating for A Change by Andy Stanley
Planting Missional Churches by Ed Stetzer
Comeback Churches by Ed Stetzer
Beyond the First Visit by Gary McIntosh
Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller
The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber