Monthly Archive: January 2007

5 Teen Predictions for 2007 from Dare2Share 0

5 Teen Predictions for 2007 from Dare2Share

I read this over on the Shift Conference Blog and the ChristianPost Dare2Share has come up with a list of predictions. These are interesting to think about. We must constantly reflect on the methods...

iPhone and Apple TV 0

iPhone and Apple TV

I’ve been waiting for a good while now to see what Apple was going to come up with next. Now we know. My inner tech, geek self gets excited every year for the CES...

Trading Spaces 0

Trading Spaces

I haven’t posted much lately because I have been pretty busy at home. We have been switching all the kids bedrooms around. Emma is going into Drew’s old room, Drew is going into Luke’s...

A Fresh Start 0

A Fresh Start

People make all kinds of New Year’s Resolutions, but few people ever keep them. When I was planning for this past weekend’s message at church, I really thought about motivating people to live radically...

Why Teens Do Stupid Stuff, Part 2 0

Why Teens Do Stupid Stuff, Part 2

Not only do teens sometimes make bad choices because of their need for affirmation, but there can also be physiological reasons as well. I read an interesting article about the teenage brain. We all...

Lessons from Billy Graham 0

Lessons from Billy Graham

I heard on SpirtFM this morning a list of 6 lessons for life that Billy Graham shared with Reader’s Digest. I think they are very timely for our youth ministry to think about, especially...