Holy Habits
I’ve started a series with the youth on Sunday nights called “Holy Habits” Last week we talked about Why we should study the Bible, and this week we talked about How we should study the Bible. We’ve got a great group of teens, but tonight, either I was too long winded or the rainy weather just got to them, because I definitely lost them by the end. It was still a good meeting, but sometimes you need to know when to call it quits and jump back in next week. I took most of my ideas for the meeting tonight from Rick Warren’s book, Bible Study Methods. I’ve enjoyed going through it and contextualizing it to our youth culture. I want to pass along a love for God’s Word to the youth. So much of youth ministry in this country is spoon feeding to Spiritual infants. I want these guys and girls to grow on their own and start reading and learning and interpreting and applying. Anyway, I think they still learned some valuable things. But as I learned watching G.I. Joe cartoons growing up, “Learning is half the battle”
Our baptism service on the land got postponed because of the rain. So what happens if it rains on the rain date? Do you schedule a rain date for the rain date of the rain date?