BSOD nightmare
Most of you know that I use a MacBook Pro laptop. I started out with it since I could switch between Windows and Mac operating systems. I’ve been a hard core pc user since...
exploring faith, life, and technology
Most of you know that I use a MacBook Pro laptop. I started out with it since I could switch between Windows and Mac operating systems. I’ve been a hard core pc user since...
As a small new church in a rural community, we have a unique perspective on technology. We know that it can help us and we know it is important, but we have to make...
Here are some things on my mind right now since it’s 5 am on a Saturday morning. I hate being sick. I’m such a whiner. I’ve been up for the last two hours with...
I feel relieved to have my laptop back. Last Saturday night, my laptop just died. It wouldn’t turn on, it wouldn’t post, the hard drive wouldn’t spin-up, it just flat out died. Since I...
We were back at Cornerstone yesterday. I got to do the welcome and announcements and body life part of the service. I’m pretty comfortable in front of large groups when I’m teaching, but I...