Need a Mobile App? Check out FaithLink Apps

Almost three years ago, I shared how to create an app for your church. Our church uses the mobile app service (note: affiliate link). With Como, you are provided with a CMS and set free to figure out how to set it up. It is a bit time consuming to figure out (especially for a church that isn’t tech savvy), and the church is also just expected to know what content makes a good app and what content doesn’t. Many apps end up being stuffed with way too much content since they are set up with all of the content from the church’s website. And with recent price increases, the service is now almost twice what we are paying per month.
FaithLinkApps is a better solution for many churches. They program a custom app for your church, working with you along the way to make the app feel unique to their church (with color themes, fonts, layout, etc…). They can take any confusion away by being there to answer all of your questions and doing most of the setup work.
One of the coolest features they provide is taking your sermon notes from YouVersion Live and show them using a custom UI in the app. They can customize fonts, colors, and even provide more social sharing options. Faithlinkapps also configures the app to work with your website and other media to not just stream your content to the app, but to do it in way that carries over images, displays content in an appealing way.
The pricing is not that bad either, with apps starting at $50 per month. Compared to the recent price increases for Como, I would definitely choose faithlinkapps instead. Here’s info from their site.
FaithLink church apps are designed by people involved in the media departments at churches, so we understand the weekly grind of updating content. The last thing a church needs is one more thing to update, and we sympathize with any media team who may be hesitant about adding a church app to the already growing number of things they need to maintain.
Our goal is to be the exception among church apps by working with churches to integrate apps with their websites so that it takes little or no additional time to update the church app every week.
Personally, I am growing tired of seeing the same cookie-cutter look for all church apps. That’s what I like about FaithLinkApps, they do a great job with the customization and design. I will mention that I’m not getting paid, and there is no commission from my links to FaithLinkApps. I’m just sharing what looks like a cool service. Check out the pictures and the video below for more info.