Help Support Dogwood and Holly

I’ve shared before about Dogwood & Holly. They are a great acoustic folk band comprised of students from Liberty University. Two of the students are from Cornerstone and they have been involved with our praise team since the beginning. The band has even led worship for us twice (watch here and here)  They currently have a kickstarter campaign to raise money for their new CD.  I encourage you to contribute and help them out. They are incredibly talented and their music is very comparable to Mumford & Sons, Punch Brothers, The Avett Brothers, or Fleet Foxes. Here’s how they describe the new album

Moth & Rust: An ecclesiastical exegesis of life, meaning, and things of consequence.

1. Musical Complexity. The songs on this record are a bit more intricate both lyrically and instrumentally. Go ahead and tack the word “progressive” in front of “folk.” Also picture us with a piano, a string section, and a Jew harp. Yes, a Jew harp. Look it up.
2. Variety. You’ll hear some straight up mountaintop bluegrass, a taste of hardcore doom folk, and some summertime chilled-out tunes. Multiple writers in a band make for musical variety. The unifying element of the album is:
3. Philosophy. The philosophy of love, evil, death, existentialism, God, humanity… all that good mental floss thematically ties this particular collection of songs together.
4. Us. Owen, Richie, Luke and Audrey. Our personalities, beliefs, experiences, and voices come through this album, just like our last one. One thing you can expect to remain the same is our authenticity. One thing you can expect to be different is our maturity as writers, musicians, and as a band. Expect a cleaner, tighter, more professional sound, without the loss of the organic rawness that characterizes the folk genre.

I’ve included a recent youtube video of them playing at a recent convocation at Liberty.  Be sure to check out their kickstarter campaign and help support the band.

If you want to see more, check out these youtube videos as well. You can pickup their first album Bonaparte on iTunes or Amazon MP3.


I am a former design engineer who now pastors Cornerstone Community Church in Galax, Virginia. I'm passionate about following Jesus and I love technology. I've been married to Jennifer for 28 years, and we have three adult children.

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