Our Christmas at Cornerstone

I’ve enjoyed a great week at home and at church. Last Sunday we wrapped up our Christmas Mystery sermon series. On Monday we celebrated the Lord’s Supper as a family at Cornerstone, and the rest of the week has centered around celebrating the birth of Christ with plenty of food and family.
We’ve started a new tradition at Cornerstone to take up a love offering on the Sunday before Christmas for a local ministry. Last year, we were able to bless our local Free Medical Clinic with a large financial gift, and this year we chose to support the S.O.B.E.R. House, which is a ministry that we have worked closely with the last few years. Our special offering totaled $9431 last week! And Cornerstone matched the amount and was able to present a check for $20,000 to this special ministry. I love that our church is radically generous. Cornerstone has been quick to support other churches and ministries, and I believe that is one reason we have been so blessed this year.
I was able to step back this week and slow down. One of our elders preached this morning, and I was able to serve and volunteer in other areas of the church. I ran the sound board for our first service and I taught a Children’s class during the second service. It’s great to step back from preaching and just observe and help. I’m excited about all the ministry that happens each week that I don’t even know about! I truly believe that great things are ahead for our church in 2013!