The Multiply Movement

Two of my favorite authors and pastors have joined together to provide materials for disciple making. David Platt and Francis Chan have launched a new website, The Multiply Movement, along with a new book, Multiply. What makes this unique is the discipleship curriculum they created is available for free on the website. I’ve been looking through the material and I think it is some of the best, most-practical teaching available for discipleship. At Cornerstone, we’ve been working on our own discipleship curriculum, but now I’m looking at how we can integrate these materials in our discipleship process.
There are 24 online lessons, available on the web, as a free pdf file, and included in the book. Each lesson is meant to be used in a small discipling group. David Platt and Francis Chan have also created a series of videos to be used with the study.
As a church, we’ve struggled with the reality that most people have never led another person to Christ. They simply aren’t following the command to Go and Make Disciples. Platt and Chan share the same concern and have created this as a resource to help people learn how to disciple others. I’m excited that we are seeing a return to the hard work of discipleship, which will lead people to reach and disciple others. Here is what the movement is all about.
Multiply is designed as a simple resource that you can use to begin making disciples. Our prayer is that it will give you the confidence you need to step out in faith and disciple the people whom God has placed in your life.
There are 24 lessons designed to be taught and discussed over a period of 24 weeks. The topics covered include:
1) Living as a Disciple Maker
2) Living as the Church
3) How to Study the Bible
4) Understanding the Old Testament
5) Understanding the New Testament