My New Android
I’ve been watching the new android phones and waiting for the next round of great phones. I was fine with my old HTC Desire(similar to the Google Nexus One) and I wasn’t in any hurry to change things up. Unfortunately, the USB port on my Desire died yesterday so I decided to go ahead and make the plunge. I checked with Verizon, but their data plans are just too expensive compared to what I have on US Cellular, so I ended up with a new Motorola Electrify.
I’m impressed so far, and I’m not easily impressed. This thing is a beast. It’s a dual-core processor, 4.3″ screen, with 16Gig of Internal memory. It has both a front facing and a rear facing camera with HD Video. It even has a hdmi connection so you can hook it up directly to a tv or projector and a SIM card slot for use out of the country. I spent a good part of the evening setting up all my apps and transferring everything over from my old phone. I don’t even think I need to root this phone since it has everything built in.
Technology can be both good and bad, and new phones are no exception. It’s hard not being over-connected and distracted, but there are several great apps that really help me in my ministry. I’m using all the Google apps, and here are some of my other favorites
- Evernote (for Note Taking)
- ADWLauncher EX (for the User Interface)
- Logos Bible Software (for Bible Study)
- YouVersion Bible (for Bible Reading)
- Wunderlist (for my To-do List)
- Amazon Kindle (for all my reading)
- Dropbox (for sharing files)
- WordPress (for updating my blog)
I did a quick search on YouTube and found the following review of the phone. Motorola phones get great reception and this phone has a much better battery life than before. It’s not 4G, but it will probably be a while before US Cellular gets 4G in our area.
Come on you have to root! Its android! Come on!
Besides that, Motorola usually builds their phones really well. Typically very sturdy. Keep me posted.