An Unusual Prayer

Have you seen the prayer from the Nascar Race last Saturday night in Nashville? It’s created quite a buzz and I’ve had some good conversations about it. Check it out below and then I’ll share a few thoughts.

For what it is worth, here’s what I think

  • It cracked me up the first time I heard it. I actually had a pretty good laugh watching it.
  • This pastor obviously knows the crowd he is speaking to. He speaks their language and obviously has watched Talladega Nights.
  • The people who are most offended seem to be the people who are most religious.
  • I guarantee that his church will have a much bigger crowd this Sunday. I’m praying that he will take his responsibility seriously.
It does create a good conversation. Does the ends justify the means? Is it sinful to pray with humor? Is this appropriate? If you want to read more of his thoughts, you can check out this article. For me personally I would never do something like this. I think I’ll stick to the model that Jesus gives us, but I do think Christians need to loosen up a little bit. I don’t know this pastor personally, but I can tell he has a heart for the people he is trying to reach.
What are your thoughts?


I am a former design engineer who now pastors Cornerstone Community Church in Galax, Virginia. I'm passionate about following Jesus and I love technology. I've been married to Jennifer for 28 years, and we have three adult children.

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5 Responses

  1. Todd says:

    His church will be be fuller this weekend. We are to give thanks for everything. Aren’t we also to talk with God as a friend?

    Bottom line, he sparked some interest in Jesus from ones who wouldn’t normally. Look at the buzz it has generated.

    I wouldn’t do it either.

  2. Awesome prayer! God bless that pastor.

  3. Tony says:

    I personally think his not letting “traditional religion” put him in a box! Great prayer! You know there were a lot of lost souls there that his prayer may have touched!
    Thanks for sharing!

    • Kindra says:

      I am OK with this prayer; it was just right. I believe God likes order, but also has a sense of humor which is not the opposite.

  4. Mike says:

    Thanks to everyone for the comments. After hearing his prayer, I want to visit his church!

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