Are you sure?

Your relationship with God is the most important relationship you will ever develop. Unfortunately, for many people their relationship with God is clouded in uncertainty and doubt. This past week at Cornerstone I shared a message about how we can have certainty and actually know that we have faith and salvation through Jesus Christ. 1 John 5:11-13 tells us that we can know with certainty that we do have a relationship with God. And the test of certainty is not external religious rituals, the test is whether or not we have the Son. If you want to read more about having this type of certainty in your relationship with Christ, let me recommend a book by Tullian Tchividijian called Do I Know God?: Finding Certainty in Life’s Most Important Relationship.

We did a text message survey during the service to see how certain people really are about their salvation. We had people vote at the beginning of the service and then we revealed the results at the end of the message. We used to setup and run the survey. For $15 a month, you get surveys with up to 50 responses. I just start the service when I need it and cancel when I’m done.

I was a little surprised at how many people responded. Between our two services, we maxed out our 50 votes. Next time, I will run a separate survey for each service.  Overall, we are seeing many more people using technology to stay connected to God’s Word. It also shows me that we do indeed have people here each week who don’t have a relationship with God. We have the responsibility and privilege of sharing Christ each week. From a technology standpoint, you have several ways you can create interaction with the congregation. You can also do polls and surveys through YouVersion Live which we use for our online sermon notes, but with text messaging, anybody with a phone can get involved. Below I listed the results of our survey and the video of our message.


I am a former design engineer who now pastors Cornerstone Community Church in Galax, Virginia. I'm passionate about following Jesus and I love technology. I've been married to Jennifer for 28 years, and we have three adult children.

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