New Streaming and Podcast License for Church Worship

Just read about the new CCLI license on ChurchCreate and I am excited!  Have you ever wondered why most churches just have video of their sermons online and don’t include the music? Legally, if you want to include worship music online in your church audio or video, you need a special license. Our church has looked at the WORSHIPcast license in the past, but decided that it was too expensive.

update: WORSHIPcast now offers a new price of $500 for churches with less than 500 people. check the comments below for more info

Now CCLI has introduced a new option that is much more affordable for smaller churches. This means that we can start including our worship music online in our videos and on our podcast. It even works for live streaming of your services as well. This is exciting news for churches who want to expand their online presence. Check out for more information and watch the video below.

Still not sure if you need this, check out the information below from their website

Many churches have already begun to webcast the pastor’s message online…on the church website or through a third party streaming service. A lot of these churches would also like to include the song service as part of their webcasts, but they’re not sure about the legal implications.

Their concern is legitimate. Including copyrighted songs in a webcast without permission is considered copyright infringement, and the penalties can be severe…up to $150,000 per infringement.

Now sign up and start sharing, legally of course


I am a former design engineer who now pastors Cornerstone Community Church in Galax, Virginia. I'm passionate about following Jesus and I love technology. I've been married to Jennifer for 28 years, and we have three adult children.

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3 Responses

  1. Keep in mind that the coverage between WORSHIPcast and the CCLI license is quite different. CCLI covers about 200,000 songs. WORSHIPcast covers 16,000,000 songs. Also keep in mind that WORSHIPcast is only $500 for almost all churches, not the $1,000 quoted by CCLI.

    Check out a full breakdown of the two licenses here:

    It is great that there are options for churches. Just be certain that you make an informed choice.

  2. Mike says:

    Thanks for the info. Our church is a smaller rural church, so having the additional pricing tiers is helpful. Also the ability to podcast is important for us. It’s good to know that there is a $500 price point for worshipcast. Every time I have looked at the site, the only price I found was the $925. That’s a huge difference, so thanks for letting us know that there is a cheaper option that I wasn’t aware of. It’s great to see options for churches getting into online video and audio, so thanks for offering a great solution.

  3. Hi Mike. Thanks for keeping folks informed!

    The $500 price point was launched in February and the site has just been updated recently. 95% of churches will be able to get WORSHIPcast for only $500.

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