Fifteen Wonderful Years
The story begins twenty years ago when some of my friends convinced me to ask a sweet young lady to prom. Fast-forward through the end of high school of four years of college and I found myself walking down an aisle of a little country church fifteen years ago marrying the love of my life. A lot of things have changed since then, but one thing has remained constant, and that is our commitment to God and to each other.
I’ve heard a lot of people over the years talk about how marriage brings out the worst in people, but in my case, Jennifer has brought out the best in me. She is my encourager and friend, and she is an incredible wife and mother. I can see glimpses of her in all three of our children and it reminds me how lucky I really am.
Looking back to our teen years, I don’t think I would have ever imagined that I would end up as a pastor of a church, and I know Jennifer never thought she would be a pastor’s wife. But God knew what He was doing when He brought us together, because we really make a great team. I can’t wait to keep writing new chapters of our life. Jennifer, you are an amazing woman of God, and I am blessed to be your husband 🙂