New Service Times at Cornerstone
We are excited to start a new morning worship service at Cornerstone this weekend. For Easter we will have two services at 9:15am and 11am. Please help us spread the word and let people know. We have grown to the point that we simply don’t have enough parking or seating for everyone who was coming to our 10am service. For Easter, our children’s ministry has a great morning planned as well. We are not having our 6pm service since many of you are traveling and have family activities that night.
We will be starting a new series at Cornerstone this Easter called One Month To Live. What if you only had one month to live? How would you make each day really matter? What would you start, or stop, doing? How would you live passionately for Christ? We are excited about this series and we are hoping for a huge turnout to hear the life-changing message of hope, found only in Jesus Christ.
Starting April 11th, we will continue or 9:15am and 11am services, as well as start back our 6pm services. This will be a huge step of faith for us, but we believe that God has raised up enough servants and leaders to offer these services. We want to give you several opportunities to join us each and every weekend. God is moving and changing lives at Cornerstone, will you join us?
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