Updating the Blog
It’s been quiet here on the blog for the last few days. During my normal blogging hours I have been working on the site design. I’ve been using the same graphics for a while now and since I can’t leave anything alone for long, I decided to update the theme the blog is based on. I wanted to switch to one that is sleek, clean, and easy to customize. The Standard Theme is a newer WordPress theme that I chose for the updated look. It is a great premium blog theme and I plan on using this as a framework for the blog for the foreseeable future. I still have some customization to do, but I think this is a great start. Here are some of the features of the new theme.
- it’s coded to be fast and meet current web standards
- it’s SEO Friendly (Search Engine Optimization)
- it has multiple advertising options built in
- it is easy to customize and style using custom CSS
- and it has a great community forum where you can find support
So far, I’m impressed. I was able to eliminate several plugins because of built-in functionality, and it just looks sleek and modern. Let me know if you have any problems viewing the site. Especially if you are on older browsers in windows. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.