My Disclosure Policy
In case you haven’t heard, the FTC is cracking down on blogs. As of December 1st, bloggers must now reveal when they receive compensation or free products for review purposes. I am part of several blogger review programs which provide free books, so I wanted to let you know where I stand. Although I may receive and review free books from time to time, I am in no way required to provide a positive review. I have the freedom to post my true thoughts, and I will always do just that.
I also am part of several affiliate link programs. When you click on a product link or a site advertisement and then make a purchase, I receive a small commission. So far, this has not really provided any income. My expenses to run the site still far outweigh any income I have received from the affiliate programs. If the site traffic increases, I hope to use this income to simply cover my costs.
I have a little trouble believing that this is such a huge problem for the government. They are threatening fines up to $11,000 for bloggers who do not disclose these free products or marketing relationships. As a follower of Christ, I want to be above reproach in everything I do, online and in the real world. I want you to know that I will always be straight with you. You will only receive honest and truthful opinions when I talk about a book or product. I have also created a page here on the blog with my full disclosure policy. So thanks for hanging around and reading this post. It’s not my most interesting one, so thanks for being a loyal reader!