Your new teaching pastor from has started yet another online service called This time, they are pulling together great video sermons from many different pastors and offering them as free downloads. What for? Here are some of the reasons they suggest:
- Expand your teaching team: Introduce your church to additional perspectives by bringing in top teachers from around the world via video. Who would you like to come speak at your church?
- Make a smooth transition: For churches who are without a pastor during a leadership transition, video messages can help with interim teaching. Line up your message calendar with ease so you can focus on finding the right leader for your church.
- Develop your ministry: You might be bi-vocational or maybe you’re planting a church. Either way, video teaching allows you put more energy into reaching your community by freeing you from weekly message preparation.
- Take a break: Regular rest is essential for pastors who want to maintain a healthy ministry. Whether it’s a sabbatical or just a short vacation, video messages are an excellent way to bring quality teaching to your church during a pastor’s time off.
I think it’s a great idea, although I could see some churches not using it wisely. I know there are video venues of many churches, but what happens when you are watching a pastor every week that is not even connected to your fellowship? We have used video teaching during the One Prayer series for the last two years and it has been warmly received. But again, I don’t think it would be wise to use it every week, unless your church was personally connected to the pastor and leadership of the video teaching.
Lifechurch has really just made it easier to use videos like these. Many churches have provided video podcasts for the last several years that could be downloaded and shown in church, but now Lifechurch has provided the framework and licensing to make it possible for any church to use. I think the biggest benefactor of this service is smaller churches without pastors. What do you think? Good idea or bad?
I love the idea, can't wait to see it expand and age a bit. Soon, we'll be seeing veritable video churches that get all the best of Piper, Driscoll, Chandler, and Chan.