Going All The Way

goingallthewayOver the years, I’ve talked with youth groups numerous times about dating, relationships, purity, and sex. I’ve seen many different curriculums spring up and then disappear, and I usually end up teaching lessons I have developed myself. This year, I decided to do something different.

I read on someone’s blog (I can’t remember who now) that they showed a sermon series to their youth from Craig Groeschel at Lifechurch.tv.   This was the sermon series that ended up becoming the book Going All The Way, Preparing for a Marriage That Goes the Distance.  I have been using this book for pre-marriage counseling over the past year and I highly recommend it.  I reviewed it a while back here on this blog.

So here’s what we did.  During youth we showed each sermon, and then I took time to lead a discussion based on what we just watched and heard.  I firmly believe that we need to challenge our youth and our these videos generated some great discussion.   Our discussions typically lasted over 30 minutes after each sermon.  Our youth don’t need watered-down devotions, they need to hear the truth in a direct, powerful, and encouraging way.   Although these sermons were geared for an adult worship service, they touched on many of the same issues these guys and girls are facing.  I wouldn’t show sermons like this every week, but it worked well for this series.

If you are interested in doing something like this, check out the free resources that Lifechurch.tv offers on their open website.  If you just want to watch the sermons online, then you can find them here at the Lifechurch.tv website.


I am a former design engineer who now pastors Cornerstone Community Church in Galax, Virginia. I'm passionate about following Jesus and I love technology. I've been married to Jennifer for 28 years, and we have three adult children.

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