Crazy Love

One of the books that I read last year that had a profound impact on me was Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I love hearing Chan speak and preach, and this book really comes to life with the message that we should be crazy in love with God, because He is crazy in love with us.  I heard Francis speak for the first time at the Catalyst conference and I was amazed at his passion for teaching the truth of the Bible in a clear, humble way.  Chan tackles some of the tough problems within the church today, but he also shares valid solutions. I am excited that our life group at Cornerstone is starting a video study of this book tonight. Read this quote below to find out more.


I am a former design engineer who now pastors Cornerstone Community Church in Galax, Virginia. I'm passionate about following Jesus and I love technology. I've been married to Jennifer for 28 years, and we have three adult children.

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1 Response

  1. Ronnie Collins says:

    I am in week 2 if we ever get to go to church again on a Wednesday night. Great Study. I guess you know that he is going to be at Liberty in May and I want to go but it is so close to delivery on our baby that I will likely miss it.

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