Get Out of Your Bubble
I had the opportunity this morning to speak at a FCA meeting at one of our local high schools. It was great meeting with the kids before school and I shared a quick message/devotion. What is that called a “messotion”? Anyway I am so energized when I get to share my faith openly in public places. The students were cool and kind enough to stay awake and even laugh a few times.
I also have the opportunity this year to help out a career class at my former high school. They had several students who were interested in ministry and I have agreed to help them out by being interviewed and being shadowed for a day. And I might even help some next spring with the track team if they let me. Back in the day I used to run hurdles and I had some quick times, so I think I could help and give the overworked coaches some much needed assistance.
All of these are opportunities to get out of the Christian bubble I live in so I can interact with students and adults from different backgrounds. As Christians, we tend to get so immersed in our Christian subculture, that we forget that there is a lost world all around us searching for meaning in life. We listen to Christian radio, we read Christian books, we go to Christian small groups, we associate with our Christian friends, and we serve in our churches. But when do we make the time to develop friendships with those outside of faith? As a church, if we truly want to equip people to be fully devoted followers of Christ, then we must teach the importance of getting outside of our bubbles. We must be willing to take advantage of missional opportunities to reach out and serve in our communities.