Latest Study on Young Adults Leaving Church
Lifeway Research released a new study on young adults leaving the church. The numbers aren’t quite as bad as what some have predicted, but they are downright scary. The net result is that 70% of our young adults in both mainline and evangelical churches are leaving after high school. The study found that it also didn’t matter whether they went into college or the workforce, they all left. I have blogged about this issue numerous times and it is something that really concerns me. I want our church to be a statistic buster, one that is full of young adults and families that have stayed connected to God. I also want our church to be a church that reaches those disconnected young adults to get them back in church. The future of the church as we know it rests in the church’s ability to reach and engage these young adults.
Here is a quote from the USA Today article that is encouraging
The survey found that those who stayed with or returned to church grew up with both parents committed to the church, pastors whose sermons were relevant and engaging, and church members who invested in their spiritual development.
Here are some of my previous posts about this issue and what we can do to make a difference.