What Are You Waiting For?

That was the title of my sermon yesterday in church. I spoke from Acts 1:11 about the disciples being told about the return of Jesus. What would happen if we started living our lives like Jesus were coming back tomorrow? I think for most of us, we would live differently. Here are some of the ways that I think it would affect us.

  • It would affect our choices: We need to be prepared for the return of Christ, so the choices we make each day should reflect that
  • It would affect our relationships: We need to be intentional about investing in the lives of others. Do we just coast through life on Cruise Control, or do we pay attention to the people that we come into contact with each day?
  • It would affect our attitude: We should be excited about the return of Christ. Why do we get frustrated, exasperated, and constipated about the little things in life. We should live each day to the fullest because of the hope we have in Jesus

Although we should live like Jesus is coming back tomorrow, we should also prepare in case he doesn’t come back in our lifetime. We should leave a legacy of faith for our children and the others that we know. We simply don’t know when Jesus will come back. We know He will, and even though it seems like it could be any day, we still cannot predict when it will happen.

Overall, church was good. We were pretty low on attendance because of vacations, but we had a good time of sharing and coziness. Preparing for this message has definitely made me go back and think about some areas in my life that need improving. That’s the cool part about preaching and teaching, I usually am preaching to myself more than the church because I see so many things in my life that need to change when I study Scripture.


I am a former design engineer who now pastors Cornerstone Community Church in Galax, Virginia. I'm passionate about following Jesus and I love technology. I've been married to Jennifer for 28 years, and we have three adult children.

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1 Response

  1. Gregor says:

    Can you contact me on my vegl_cube@hotmail.com email because I think we have the same "problem" about humanity …. I feel for about my whole life that there is a big change comming … not bad change … not a good one … something centered … I don't know hot to explain … contact and we can share opinions …

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