Monthly Archive: March 2008

Sunday Night Wrapup 0

Sunday Night Wrapup

We had an awesome service today, but I’m ready to get some rest. My voice is shot. I’ve had a chest cold for several days and I started coughing late Saturday night and it...

Sleep Can Be Your Friend 0

Sleep Can Be Your Friend

I have been on a crazy schedule since Daylight Savings Time changed. I am still functioning based on the old time. I go to bed after 1am and get up around 8:30am and just...

Quick Sermon Intro 2

Quick Sermon Intro

Here is an example of how you can create a sermon intro video quickly and easily. For Easter, I did a special sermon about responding to God. While I explained various events leading up...

Blogging Break 0

Blogging Break

It’s been a busy week. I didn’t take a blogging break on purpose, but I’m glad I did. I needed the time away from the computer. Leading up to Easter I put most of...

Modern Worship 1

Modern Worship

I have 3 CD’s on my iPod right now that I am playing constantly. To me, this is what worship music should be for our generation. Contemporary and compelling. Lyrics that challenge you and...

Visioneering 0


I just finished reading Visioneering by Andy Stanley and I wanted to share a few things that I learned. I had a little trouble getting into the first half of the book. I don’t...

Financial Freedom Experience 0

Financial Freedom Experience

Here is an invite card that we are handing out in church tomorrow. Cornerstone is hosting Joe Sangl from NewSpring Church to come up and lead his Financial Freedom Experience Workshop. You can pre-register...

Reflections on Unleash 0

Reflections on Unleash

Going to conferences usually evokes several emotions in me. I am usually excited about what I’m about to learn, but secretly I sometimes dread the travel, the time away from home, and the confusion...

Reflection: Salvation 0

Reflection: Salvation

We all need to take time to reflect. Time to think about where God has brought us from and how God is still working in us. Time to think about what is really important...

I’m Ready to be Unleashed 0

I’m Ready to be Unleashed

I haven’t had a chance to do much on the computer the past few days. The Ken Freeman event has kept me busy. Last night our young adult praise band opened up for skateboarder...

Incredible 0


The last two days have been incredible. God is really moving in the hearts of people in our church. One of my biggest concerns for our church has been the lack of conversion growth...